I was driving a 1970 Buick GS from DC to Memphis and encountered several car problems along the way, so I called one of my mechanics at home during the drive to see if he could recommend anyone. He did some research and ID'd Allen's Automotive. Andre (at Allen's) was courteous and professional when I called to schedule, and Andre asked if I could be there at 8 AM the next morning in the hopes of getting me back on the road by the end of that day. Very kind, very thoughtful. W...hen I arrived, Andre introduced me to Allen so we could go over the problems in detail. Older cars are different than modern cars, and as older cars become more rare, the mechanics with the knowledge to work on them become equally rare. Thank god there are still professionals like Allen who have that knowledge. Since my dog and I were stuck on a 90+ degree day, he started by making sure we were comfortable in a small, air-conditioned room that was mostly used for storage. Very kind, very thoughtful. I outlined when work had been done to the car that related to the problems, then we went through the order in which the problems occurred as well as mileage over the course of the work and the issues. Allen was extremely thorough as he determined the exact problems, and didn't rush to conclusions for their possible causes. This process included everything from pulling out the driveshaft for analysis, calling the transmission manufacturer, and he even called two mechanics who previously worked on the car. There were many more details, and each was carefully assessed. Within 2-3 hours it was determined the best solution was to trailer the car back to DC for repair. Allen could have done all the work for a complete repair, but the warranties on newer parts and previous labor made that too complicated. He could have patched it back together and put me on the road, but that made him uncomfortable because the transmission might have had internal damage that could strand me. After Allen advised me not to have him do any repairs, he helped me find a trailer company as well as a rental car. I'm from out of town, and I could have been taken. Instead, Allen took care of me. After watching him and his team work, I'm confident they can figure out any car, so I highly recommend you let them take care of you.
Thank you very, very much. So thankful for your review !! Thanks again Allen.
- Allen's Automotive Center